Saturday, July 27, 2024
Allama Iqbal
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How people and communities respond to the coronavirus challenge, worldwide

This page is dedicated to the people and communities who are fighting against the coronavirus outbreak with courage, hope and compassion. Faced with unprecedented challenges, including lockdown, loss of income, shortage of food supply and even death, some people and communities across the globe are determined to win the battle against coronavirus. They are however, not fighting alone, but with a collective spirit. They may be locked down physically, but their hearts, minds and souls have rejected to be confined and passive. In fact, in many ways, they have become more extrovert and outward focused than usual - thinking, feeling and caring for others in time of need.

Pakistani students volunteered to help other students in Wuhan, China

Four Pakistani students studying at China University of Geosciences, Wuhan put themselves in danger for the sake of others and volunteered during the fight against novel coronavirus outbreak. These students along with other international students from different countries, carried out food delivery for the international students staying in Wuhan, according to a report published by China Economic Net.

Andrà tutto bene (everything will be alright) has become a popular slogan across Italy, in their fight against COVID-19.

The Law of Generosity Combating Coronavirus in Pakistan

Outside grocery stores in Karachi, a remarkable scene has been unfolding over the past two weeks. Instead of rushing home after shopping to avoid being exposed to coronavirus, many Pakistanis are pausing outside to offer food, money or other charity to the many people on the street with no “place” to shelter-in-place.

A Wuhan volunteer transporting medics and supplies amid coronavirus outbreak
Medical volunteers step up to help during coronavirus crisis
Volunteers help China’s isolated ‘empty nest’ seniors stay amid coronavirus outbreak
Coronavirus volunteers - the people helping others get through the crisis
Wuhan volunteer groups offer humanitarian assistance to workers affected by the coronavirus
Volunteers helping Dublin's homeless
Volunteers in South Korea deliver boxes of food to self-quarantined people
Charities and volunteers deliver supplies to people in social isolation
A virtual community in Texas working on real ways to help seniors
South Korea proves money is inadequate to fight coronavirus without community support
Medical students offer desperately needed childcare service to healthcare workers
Volunteers take care of the families of frontline medical workers, fighting coronavirus in China
Medical students in Sudan prepare and distribute hand sanitizers, masks and spread awareness
With coronavirus fears, volunteers deliver meals to the elderly
School pupils from Italy send messages in support of Scottish children
NHS transforming to cope as 405,000 volunteer
Random acts of kindness

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"There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people."

[Howard Zinn]