Monday, April 22, 2024
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Kashmir: The Suffering and the Struggle for Freedom

Historic Documents about the Kashmir Dispute

Security Council Resolution 47 (1948)
The Security Council Resolution calling for a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir as soon as possible on the question of the accession of the State to India or Pakistan.

News Coverage

Welcome to India’s rent-a-diplomat Kashmir tours, where the truth is on holiday
Kashmiris are a people under siege. But this brutal reality is either hidden or unreported by foreign envoys.

An Epidemic of 'Dead Eyes' in Kashmir as India Uses Pellet Guns on Protesters
The New York Times article illustrates the horrendous human cost of the use of pellet guns on young Kashmiri protesters by the Indian troops. The oppressive measure however, has failed to waiver the Kashmiri spirit and demand for freedom.

Television News and Discussions

Tension in Kashmir, a CNN report by Jim Clancy and Pawan Bali
The violence in Kashmir poses a challenge to New Delhi because it represents a new phase in a decade old conflict; military might alone, may not solve the problem this time.


Siddhartha Deb: With Kashmir crisis, India reveals its democracy is a "sham"

Kashmiri Songs and Music

Karyo Manz Jigras Jaai Chamno

Mere Watan Teri Jannat Mein Aayeen Ge Ik Din

Manne di mauj wich hasna
By Hadiqa Kiani

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"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

[George Santayana]