Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Catalogue of Professional Services in Pakistan


Let’s Start Thinking maintains several catalogues or lists of organizations providing professional services related to management, HR, training and development, philanthropy etc. However, we do not include every service provider that we come across. Instead, we review and screen each case before adding it to our catalogue. This is done to ensure quality and meaningfulness of the published information. The purpose of this service is to:

  1. filter and screen service providers and develop a catalogue of providers who fulfill a basic quality criteria
  2. recognize and promote organizations that provide quality services
  3. identify range of services and options available to Pakistani businesses, organizations and individuals
  4. enable and facilitate seekers to quickly and effortlessly find pre-screened entities that could possibly fulfill their needs

Criteria for Listing

We have devised a formal criteria for selecting and listing professional or philanthropic services. Please see Selection Criteria for Listing Professional Services for details. If you want your organization to be added to a catalogue, please review the criteria before submitting a request.

How to Submit a Service Provider

Every catalogue of services maintained by Let’s Start Thinking has a link at the bottom of the page for recommending another service provider. For example, at the bottom of the Training Providers in Pakistan page, there is a Recommend Training Provider link. Similarly, you will find a Recommend a Blind School link at the bottom of the Schools for the Blind catalogue. Use the relevant link to request addition or update to the catalogue. You can also submit your own organization using the same process.

Catalogue Updates

Let’s Start Thinking reviews the catalogues periodically and adds new entities to the lists or makes changes where necessary. So please visit these pages from time to time to remain updated.

Your Feedback

You may contact us to provide feedback or for any query regarding our catalogue service. We would love to hear from you and get any feedback regarding this service. You can also suggest to create a new catalogue. We’ll review the request and if the area is relevant to Let’s Start Thinking and is of value to the people, we would give it due consideration and may create and publish the desired list of services.

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"It seems like such a terrible shame that innocent civilians have to get hurt in wars, otherwise combat would be such a wonderfully healthy way to rid the human race of unneeded trash."

[Fred Woodworth]