Saturday, July 27, 2024
Allama Iqbal
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Selection Criteria for Listing Professional Services

Scope of Screening

We only conduct a basic, preliminary screening of service providers, primarily relying on public domain information. Due to resource constraints, we do not conduct rigorous analysis. Inclusion into or exclusion from the list is not an absolute statement about the quality of these providers. We perform this service sincerely and in good faith.

Selection Criteria

  1. Relevance and importance of services to the target catalogue e.g. Training Providers in Pakistan or HR Consultants and Service Providers in Pakistan etc.
  2. Local presence with an office in at least one of the provinces in Pakistan.
  3. Prominence and reputation in the market. Service providers that are more active and visible or have a good reputation in general have a higher probability of selection.
  4. Web presence is an essential factor of selection as we primarily rely on public domain information for reviewing the options.
  5. Corporate website is the most intensely reviewed source for evaluation. While Facebook pages and other channels may be reviewed, corporate website has the maximum weight.
  6. About us, background, the team, or any meaningful introduction about the company is an important factor for consideration.
  7. Services – range, importance, sophistication, specialization and value addition.
  8. Clientele is an important testament about the quality or success of an organization. The factors considered include range and types, prominence, reputation of the clients. For nonprofit organizations, the need, target segment, demographics, are important.
  9. Completeness and consistency of information found on the web. Blank pages, inconsistency, missing information in key areas is a no-no for selection.
  10. Message and presentation are also factored into the process. Overall feel of the message and presentation is considered as important reflection of professionalism.

Final Note

The above criteria is the basic mechanism for reviewing service providers for inclusion into the catalogues maintained by Let’s Start Thinking. However, one doesn’t need to be rated high against each factor. On the other hand, poor rating on some of the key factors may lead to exclusion.

And finally, if your organization has been reviewed but not shortlisted, that’s not a permanent exclusion. We may include the entity in a subsequent review if it satisfies the basic criteria. You may also request a review by recommending the organization using the links at the bottom of the relevant catalogue e.g. Recommend a Training Provider or Recommend a Service Provider.

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"I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice."

[Albert Einstein]