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Pakistan Timeline: 1967-1976

Apr 26, 1967

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the Foreign Minister of Pakistan resigns.

Nov 30, 1967

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto founds the Pakistan Peoples Party.

Jan 20, 1968

The Government frames Agartala Conspiracy case against Sheikh Mujib and 22 other Bengalis. They are accused of a conspiracy for secession with Indian support.

Jul 1968

Proceedings of the Agartala Conspiracy case are initiated in Dhaka. Mujib is perceived in East Pakistan as a hero, boosting up Mujib’s political stature in East Pakistan.

Oct 10, 1968

Ayub Khan falls ill.

Oct 27, 1968

The military Government “celebrates” the 10th anniversary of the “revolution” boasting of its great “achievements”, and highlighting the socioeconomic progress made by the country under military rule.

Nov 7, 1968

A student dies in Rawalpindi with police firing. The event triggers a series of strong protests against General Ayub Khan in both East and West Pakistan.

Feb 15, 1969

One of the accused in Agartala Conspiracy case, sergeant Zahur-ul-Haq is shot dead under military custody in Dhaka. The Government presents the incident as a result of an escape attempt. People in East Pakistan however view it as a violent murder of yet another Bengali hero. The incident heightens bitterness against General Ayub Khan and West Pakistan.

Mar 10 to Mar 15, 1969

General Ayub Khan calls a round table conference of political leaders in Rawalpindi. The aim is to cool down the political environment by yielding to some demands of the opposition. Certain West Pakistani leaders demanded the release of Sheikh Mujib-ur-Rehman so that he is also able to participate in the conference. The Agartala Conspiracy case is thus revoked under political pressure.

Mujib addresses a great public procession in Dhaka and announces that the principle of parity between the two provinces is no longer acceptable for East Pakistan. Now East Pakistan should get representation according to population (65%). Mujib goes to Rawalpindi and attends the conference.

Mar 25, 1969

General Ayub Khan transfers power to General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan. Yahya Khan imposes Martial Law.

Mar 26, 1969

The Chief Martial Law Administrator, General Yahya Khan addresses the nation and pledges to restore democracy and hold elections and transfer power to elected representatives.

Nov 28, 1969

General Yahya Khan accepts the principle of “one man, one vote”. General Yahya Khan discards the idea of one unit restores the previous status of the four provinces.

Jan 1, 1970

The Government grants permission for political activities in preparation of the first general elections in the country’s history. Elections are to be held towards the end of the year.


  1. Main Nay Dhaka Doobtay Daikha by Siddique Salik

1947-1956 1957-1966 1967-1976 1977-1986 1987-1996

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